Be joyous and praise his name YAHWEH, and be forgiven, and forgiveness will be given by Jesus Christ who is the redeemer of all spirits that have been given by the Father, and the entity that has given life to all of thee. Matthew 6:14 NIV
One’s Salvation is in the eye of the beholder, is it not?
One’s Eternity is in the eye of the Creator.
The two are similar but are not, for is not one’s salvation of the flesh the confessions of sins within? For is not Eternal Salvation given by the one whom is the entity that gives Eternal Salvation and life with the Light of Life? For eternal life is given to whom are obedient to the Laws and the Covenants given. For if these are not fulfilled and lived, then salvation is given accordingly. For to have salvation with the entity that is the only entity, is to be obedient to the Word of God and to the Son of God whom was sent by I AM and is the Word of God. For if salvation is given, then eternal life will be granted to thee. For if not, then one’s fate will be as foretold to all and many that do not find the narrow gate the Lamb of God spoke of, will surely be thrown into the lake of fire and burning sulfur for eternity, I say eternity. To confess with one’s mouth is the convictions of sins placed upon the spirit at conception and its first birth, this forgiveness of these sins must be, I say must be redeemed by the one whom was sacrificed and sent to thee by the creator. For salvation is and will be given to all whom ask for forgiveness. For eternal life is given to all whom have been given a New Heart, a New Spirit, which allows the one whom is reborn to enter into the Kingdom of God that I AM has created for the ones whom abide all Laws and are obedient to the entity that is the only entity that gives eternal life to thee. For without life of this entity, darkness shall be for thee. I say that the salvation of one’s spirit is of the spirit given and it has freewill given to it and all have this ability to ask for forgiveness and be given salvation and eternal salvation by the one whom grants salvation and life. For thus saith the LORD.