Be joyous and praise his name YAHWEH, and be forgiven, and forgiveness will be given by Jesus Christ who is the redeemer of all spirits that have been given by the Father, and the entity that has given life to all of thee. Matthew 6:14 NIV
The Kingdom of Heaven! It is our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family and your life. Please explore our website and understand that this site is a place to rejoice and express our Love to our Savior (Jesus Christ), and to help others know that the New Heaven and the New Earth is upon us (Revelation 21:1 NIV) - the Truth of our Faith and the Strength of the Spirit is our goal to proclaim his Love to all.
Be Faithful and be Reborn into Christ - Baptism of Water and of the Spirit is necessary for entrance into Heaven. John 3:5 NIV
For the Two Witnesses will proclaim the Lords Truth, Hope and Love to all humanity. Pray unto the Lord for forgiveness, and be given Life with he who is, and has been the God above all God's.
For the Shepherd took care of the lambs of God. For his flock was numerous. For the flock new him, for they followed him and they knew his voice, and they trusted him.
The Precious Little Lamb had a heart of gold and knew the Shepherd. For the Lord brought the Shepherd to the Precious Little Lamb, and they began many journeys. Which were led by the Holy Spirit, the One True Spirit of God.
For the flock of our Lord is his church, for they are throughout the World of whom he has created in his own image. For he is the Shepherd of all whom seek him. Ask for forgiveness from God, and it will surely be given. Ask not for the forgiveness of the sin opened in the Garden, and one will never see the Light that has given Life to thee.